The Simpsons Visit (2005)
At Burning Man 2001, the Mad Scientists discovered they had some fans down in Los Angeles. George Meyer, a longtime writer and producer on the Simpsons, saw the HypKnowTron that year and invited us to come down to LA to attend a table read of the Simpsons. George had been with the show since its inception and was responsible for many of the cooler/stranger ideas, including the episode with Homer and the psychedelic chili pepper among others. In 2005, we finally took advantage of his offer and drove down for a visit. While we were there, he introduced us to several of the Simpsons writers and producers, many of whom also go to Burning Man regularly. To our great surprise, we found out that some of them were even fans of our cool is that!
I gotta say that everybody we met during our visit to the Simpsons was incredibly nice. From the voice actors to the writers, producers, and animators, everyone was very friendly and incredibly generous with their time. From all of us Mad Scientists, thank you! And I'd especially like to thank George for inviting us down and then taking the time to show us around the Fox lot, join us for lunch, and just hang out and chat. Thank you!
The episode read by the cast was "Million Dollar Abie". In it, Grandpa becomes a matador after messing up Springfield's attempts to bring pro football to town. Below are a few pictures and short video clips of our visit to the Simpsons.
